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4th Quarter Slump

The 4th Quarter of 2019 is here. The year goes by fast for movers and shakers. This is the time of year where business leaders take on one of two attitudes. They are either pleased with this year’s success and are busy planning and charting how to have a continuation of that success in 2020, or they feel defeated and recognize that they missed many of their goals and objectives and are now in panic and scramble mode trying to readjust and regroup so that they can finish the year at least above water. I’ll be honest, I have been in both positions. It would be difficult for you to find a successful leader who has not dealt with both scenarios.

If you are on cloud nine and are on track to reach all of your goals by the end of the year congratulations. If this is not your case don’t panic. Panic leads to fear and irrational decisions. Now is not the time to get in a slump or discouraged. Now is the time to get strategic and face your mistakes head on so that you can correct your unsuccessful methods and regroup and finish the year strong. If you constantly missed your mark this year take these three steps to save your 4th quarter.

1. Determine Any Weak Links

Something or someone is not supporting your vision. Figure out what is hurting your organization the most. It could be a poorly selling product, an unenthusiastic team member, or a financial crisis etc. At this stage during the year your roadblock does not have any chance of disappearing on its own. You will have to be aggressive and remove your weak links and replace them with a sound strategy of recovery.

2. Get Help

I am always a fan of a set of new, neutral eyes and ears. You would be surprised how harmful bias can be to any leader. Sometimes even the most talented team exhausts their best options. You have to know when your team has utilized their capabilities as far as they can take them. But if you are bias believing they have more to give, and believing they can meet your year end deadlines, you can’t see their faults and the need for help. I firmly believe in macro-management and having faith in your team but I don’t believe in blind faith. An outside voice such as a mentor, advisor, or a third party consultant is necessary to redevelop your team and coach them to working more efficiently. Outside of restructuring your team, a third party can revamp your product or help you better connect with your target market. Never underestimate the usefulness of another respected and proven leader’s strategy.

3. Make a Smarter Goal

It is possible that your organization is successful but overreaching and setting unrealistic goals. There is no need to get discouraged when you shot for the stars but fell short. So break your seemingly far fetched goal down into small realistic goals that are tangible. A cluster of small goals that are easier to reach will help you reach your longterm goal. There is no need to overwhelm yourself. Pace yourself and know that very few success stories happen overnight.

Timed goals and the forever present mental clock will always have us doubting ourselves. Resolutions are important but if you are unable to reach your year end goals don’t quit. Use this last quarter to plan, correct, and better strategize for the next year. A setback is temporary when you make it a learning moment for you and your team. Focus on your end goal. Focus on all the clients, communities, employees, and family who will benefit from your success. Don’t forget your vision and use it to give you the fuel to push through any slump. Pick yourself up!

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